When you first knew that you could share your ideas and opinions to the world, it was so exciting. You thought about this great opportunity. The fact that you could make money sharing your knowledge was just so awesome.
So off you went; signed up for a domain name with a hosting platform and your blog was thus born.
All you just needed was a few months; maybe 3 -5 months to be exact and your blog would get so much traffic. You would be able to make enough money to live your dreams.
You did the needful; producing quality content after content, promoting your posts on Social Media and of course, working hard on your blog.
But years later, you discovered a problem. Your goal wasn’t a reality just yet. You haven’t made money on your blog and what is worse it that you are aren’t sure if you will make money with your blog.
You can’t just figure out why your blog isn’t making any money. While your niche peers seem to be coughing out six figure incomes every month, you wish you could even have a single figure.
So you are at a cross road. Do you throw in the towel and forget about blogging or do you hold on and hope that you would make it one day with your blog?
Now I believe that you should keep on blogging because there is so much you can do with your blog but let’s face it, How do you stay motivated when you are not making money with your blog? How do you keep going on when you have not seen the reward of your labor?
Here are some tips that will help you to stay motivated with your blog:
1. Why Do You Have a Blog?
If the purpose of having your blog is to make money, then you are not going to achieve this goal so easily. If all your blog is to you is a cash register, then you need to rethink your strategy.
If your blog does not solve people’s problems; if your blog doesn’t resonate with your audience, then your audience won’t trust you enough to do business with you.
You should define the purpose of your blog. You need to have a strong WHY to remain motivated with your blog and focus on your work.
Remember that your blog isn’t about you but meant to help others.Never let your primary focus be about money. It should be about your audience.

2 Are You Tracking Your Progress?
Do you have small goals set out for your blog? How do you know how much progress you have made?
In the blogosphere, it is a strange strategy to be busy with content marketing without any form of tracking. You will definitely be frustrated in the long run.
If you don’t set goals for yourself, you will not be able to appreciate your little wins
You need to be able reward yourself for the milestones that you have achieved. It is the small wins that makes a whole impact in the long run and you can’t achieve this without monitoring your progress.
The more small wins you can put together, the faster you will see success with your blog. You should be focused with your strategy or make amendments as seem fit.
This will enable you to look back and see how far you have come with your blog. Track your progress to gain an advantage.
3 No Blog is an Island
All Pro bloggers know that the success of a blog is dependent on a community.
If you have been the lone wolf in your blog with the mindset that your audience will get to you, then it is no wonder, you are not making money.
You need to get on the radars of your audience. You need to consistently show your audience how much your blog can solve their problems. You need to inspire your audience with your message and constantly engage them to build enough trust to do business with you.
Let’s not forget about your blogging buddies especially those that are of your niche. They are just golden because they shorten your error rate with their experience.
They are available to help you as long as you build a strong relationship with them.
The blogosphere resonates with the fact that every blog is unique and that is the beauty of blogging. So take advantage of this and network with other bloggers.

4 All Successful Business build a Strong Foundation
All successful business build a solid foundation and you should apply this principle to your blog too.
Build your blog one brick at a time. You don’t need to learn everything at once. Take it one step at a time. If there are areas that you need to work on, either get a coach to shorten the learning process or learn it by yourself (This takes more time)
Remember that you want your blog to stand the test of time. To achieve this, you need to make sure that every element of your blog is intact. So why not take your time and build a Successful blog.

- Be Patient. Great Things take Time
Blogging is a process and if you are looking for overnight success then you are in for a ride. The most successful blogs are those who had the patience to get success with blogging
Great things take time so you need to be patient or you will settle for less.
Focus on providing great content for your readers, take risks and learn from them; support other bloggers, learn to be yourselfand be consistent in your writing.
Be patient, in time you will make money with your blog. It will happen, It will happen, It will happen.
Over to You
How do you stay motivated when you are not making money with your blog. Do share with your comments.
You should read the following posts for your help:
- How to Write a Blog Post with Good SEO
- SEO Onpage Optimization Steps [A Complete On-Page Seo Strategy]
- 10 Super Easy Image Optimization Best Practices for Your Website

Hey Reader, Welcome to MyQuickIdea. I am Nikhil Saini, started MyquickIdea as a passion and now it’s now covering different topics like Blogging, SEO, Marketing, Technology, Finance, Stock Market, Fintech, etc. I always prefer pushing quality content for my readers. I hope you would be liking it.
Hi Ikechi Sir,
Welcome to Nikhil place and the article is very helpful indeed. Agree with your point great thing takes time. We have to wait for perfect time.
Glad to read this awesome post.
Hi Saurabh
Thank you so much for the compliment. Yes! it takes some time to build a solid blog. So it is better to be patient than settle for less. Have an awesome week. Take care
Hi Iketchi
Thanks for this beautiful motivational post. I am 20 days behind blogging and this is much needed dose from you. I am recovered from my typhiod and now ready to bang again.
Thanks again.
Hi Abhishek
Glad you liked this post. It is awesome that you have recovered. So go blog. Have a wonderful week. Take Care
Hi Iketchi!
You are right. While you start blogging and want to monetize and earn for a living, the struggle starts, it doesn’t happen overnight. Patience and hard work is the key. You have pointed out some great tips for keeping the new bloggers motivated.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Alisha
Yes this will help every new blogger to stay motivated in blogging. Thank you so much for sharing your insight and have a wonderful weekend. Take Care
WoW! That’s the only word that can justify the beauty of this scintillating post. It’s so inspiring to open up mind with positivism and flush the negativity out. Great work Mr. Ikechi!
After reading from here, when I visited your blog, there I saw a true reflection of your creativity and innovation. You’ve crafted it really well. It was a treat to read this post and to know about your fantastic blog.
-Harsh S.
Hi Harsh
Thank you so much for the compliment. I am glad you were inspired about this post. Have an awesome week. Take Care
Really motivating Nikil. In fact, earlier i worried lot when i am not making money from blogging, later i tried to find where i am failing, i corrected myself and now i am making some decent money through Blogging.
Hi Sneha
Thank you so much for liking this post and I know that you will succeed in blogging if you understand these principles. Take care and have a wonderful week.
Awesome article ikechi, but one thing we should do is to build a proper blog strategy and regularly monitor and keep track on GA reports and analyze them. By this way, we can easily realize the problem and alter the strategy in early stages itself. All the best of all newbie bloggers.
Hi Mothi
You are so right. A blogging strategy will help stand out from the crowd and this is a strong foundation that should not be ignored. Thanks for sharing your insight.
Have an awesome week.
Hi Ikechi,
Fantastic post and really motivating, In blogging every blogger face up and down situation and its really frustrating. I also facing this type of problem, one of the best motivational thing is keep working smartly and be ready for big result.
Thanks for sharing this awesome post.
Hi Ashvin
I am glad you liked the post. Yeah! just keep making your blog a solution hub for your audience and you will get great results.
Thanks for sharing. Take Care
Hi Ikechi,
I am newbie seaching this type of post yo motivate myself for blogging because I am not getting enough traffic after applying all tricks..
very helpful post for me
Hi Rachna
You are in the growing stage for your blog. Blogging isn’t an overnight success but you can build a solid foundation for your blog to stand the test of time.
Thank you for sharing and thumbs up for the compliment. Take Care
Hey! Iketchi,
The article you’ve published here at MyQuickIdea is really Mind Blowing, and the most Important thing that it’s filled to give Peace and Encourage all the Newbies Bloggers. In a Blogging Seminar I’ve seen Bloggers getting so much tension out of their Blog, as they was not making enough money.
Narendra Saini
Hi Narenda
Thank you for the compliment
When a blog does not make money, there can be so much tension which is why every blogger should build up his thoughts for the blogging process.
As long as you define your why and your strategy are in place, then in the end, you will make money with your blog.
Thanks for sharing your insight. Take Care
[ Smiles ] Bloggers need to be patient.
Because, without patience, they would not reach far.
Fabulous pointers!
Hi Renard
You are so right. Patience is a virtue in blogging. Thank you for your awesome insight. Take Care
Very good write up abd tips on sticking with your blog through the hard times. I agree that if you are in it for the money often times you won’t make any. I’m sticking with the slow and steady process
Hi Ballnchainz
Great decision and it will benefit you in the long run. Thanks for the compliment. Take Care
Hello Iketchi,
It’s really a useful article, blogging needs lots of patient and keeping our-self motivated is an important thing to achieve success.
Hi Shrinivas
You are right. It is necessary that you have a big picture of why you want to blog. It will help you in the hard times. Trust me it does.
Hello Iketchi,
I enjoyed reading this. I do think about when i’ll start earning six figures from blogging. I know it will happen in due time.
Awesome !! Awesome !! Just awesome.. this is totally me. Will try to implement this things.
Hi Chinelo
I am glad you liked this post and that is the spirit. You will certainly achieve your dreams. Thanks and take care
Hey Iketchi,
It’s quite obvious we feel demotivated, if we don’t see money rolling. Blogging is time consuming and hard work. It needs certain skills like writing, SEO, marketing but we can learn these things online on our pace.
Before starting blog we should know how the blogging works and what would be our planning to make it work.
Thanks for inspiring us Ikechi.
Yogesh Shinde
Nice post. I started a blog on blogger a long time ago but now reading your blog I started the blog again.
Thank you Nhikil. 🙂
It is really very tough to keep ourselves motivated when we are unable to generate revenue from our blogging business. No doubt, we should worry as we spend a lot of time and invest to maintain our blog yet we should not dis heart and try to overcome deficiencies on our side.
Informative post. Patience is important in blogging
Useful information, don’t stop sharing and Please keep updating us….. Thanks