Make Sure You Join These Professional Bloggers on Social Media

Top Professional Bloggers
Top Professional Bloggers

In the recent years, so many people get involved in the blogging and this trend likely to be going in the upcoming years.

Needless to say, blogging is a lucrative approach to express knowledge at online platforms where readers can easily access your content.

The Blogging has been one of the greatest ways to make money online. People are eager to adopt it as a full-time profession. However, it relies on the strong foundation of your blogging journey.

A strong community that shares the same interest always helps in growing faster in this case.

There are several methods available to earn professionalism in blogging. However, as a matter of fact, the right environment gives you a boost and helps in growing faster.

If you want to be a professional blogger, you must have the company of the professional bloggers of the same niche.

By keeping this thing in my mind, I decided to share a list of professional bloggers who have a huge reputation in the blogosphere. Along with it, I am sharing their social media profile links so that you could join those professional bloggers.

Your blog may be in any niche, it always needs to promote online. By following these professional bloggers, you may get to know about the exact way that you should use to grab traffic to blog or website.

Through these expert bloggers, you would learn how to promote products, services, and gain traffic.

Each one in the list shares the latest blog post on his or her social profiles. Thus, you can easily receive updates from them.

How did I get this Idea?

Indeed, I got this idea of collecting the links of professional bloggers’ social media profiles through a blogging events, India. 

After this event, I have joined lots of influential personalities of the Blogosphere.

Now, I am connected with many renowned professional bloggers. They share lots of useful things on their profiles.

They actually share secret tricks that you could only get by connecting them on social media websites.

Most of the professional bloggers remain busy all the time. Many people send them emails in which they ask their doubts and queries. A number of them go without getting any response.

Social media is a great opportunity of getting answers to your queries/questions.

So hurry up, it is your chance to join them. I am listing over here some most influential bloggers around the world. Just follow them and get benefits out of it.

Top Professional Bloggers List

Neil Patel (

Neil Patel

Rank Fishkin (Moz Blog)

Rand Fishkin

Brian Dean (

Brian Dean

Pat Flynn (

Pat Flynn

Brian Clark (

Brian Clark

Danny Sullivan (

Danny Sullivan

Darren Rowse (

Darren Rowse

Loren Baker (

Loren Baker

Michael Stelzner (

Michael Stelzner

Razvan Gavrilas (

Razvan Gavrilas

Amit Agarwal (Digital Inspiration):

Amit Agarwal

Harsh Agarwal (

Harsh Agarwal

Ankit Singla (

Ankit Singla

Jitendra Vaswani (

Jitendra Vaswani

Anne Dunlevie (

Anne Dunlevie


Google Plus

Carol Amato (

Carol Amato

Catol Tice (

Catol Tice

Deborah Tutnauer (

Deborah Tutnauer

Derek Halpern (Social Triggers):

Derek Halpern

Don Purdom (

Don Purdom

Enstine Muki (

Enstine Muki

Erik Emanuelli (

Erik Emanuelli

Freddy Gandarilla (Internetmarketingblog101)

Freddy Gandarilla

Harleena Singh (

Harleena Singh

Ian Cleary (

Ian Cleary

Jackson Nwachukwu (

Jackson Nwachukwu

James (


Jeff Bullas (

Jeff Bullas

John Chow (

John Chow

Jon Morrow (

Jon Morrow

Mi Muba (

Mi Muba

Reginald (


Ryan Deis (

Ryan Deis

Sherryl Perry (

Sherryl Perry

Syed Balkhi (

Syed Balkhi

Ana Hoffman (

Ana Hoffman

Nirmala Santhakumar (

Nirmala Santhakumar

Kulwant Nagi (

Kulwant Nagi

Tony John (

Tony John

I wish It is a resourceful list of professional bloggers. I have tried my best to prepare it. Nevertheless, if you think that more names must be added, then please suggest me through your comments. I will add them in this list.

Do you need more social media related articles to read, here you go….

52 thoughts on “Make Sure You Join These Professional Bloggers on Social Media”

  1. Hey Niks
    What a pleasant surprise buddy!
    Thanks for adding me to this list of wonderful bloggers 😉
    Not only that! This will help me connect with some more awesome bloggers.

    Hope you are set for a wonderful week buddy

  2. Hi Nikhil,

    This surely is a wonderful list, and thanks so much to include me along with so many other professional bloggers. Yes, having a strong social media presence is essential nowadays – so taking out time to be a little everywhere is required.

    Thanks once again 🙂

    • Yes Harleena, It is quite right. We all must have required of Social media presence. I am glad by having your comment in this post.

  3. Hey Nikhil,

    Wow! This is indeed an awesome list one which I find myself honored to be mentioned alongside these wonderful and awesome bloggers. I know virtually all of them, most of them I have worked or written for and some I would like to work with in future.

    I can only imagine the effort you put in for this to happen, but I am sure you really did an awesome work.

    I think this post is unique in it’s way in that, it presents a simple and direct way of connecting with these awesome people on their respective social media profiles.

    Thanks for the mention once again and do have a wonderful day ahead Nikhil 🙂


    • Thanks for your praises. Yes, It took 3 days to collect all the information. Now I am looking forward to write these kinds of informative posts.

      Thanks for your comment.

  4. Hey Nikhil,
    It’s a awesome list. I knew most of the top bloggers on the list however I must admit that some of them were new to me.

    I would definitely try to connect with them as you suggested and learn new things by networking with these probloggers.

    P.S. Some of the twitter links point to the wrong blogger. For eg. Loren Baker, Michael Stelzner and Razvan Gavrilas are pointing to problogger twitter handle. Please check.

    Again thanks for this wonderful list.

    • Thanks for you comment Rajeesh. Yes you should join them. Their blogs are very informative.
      I resolve the issue. It was having cause of plugin issue.

  5. Hi Nikhil

    I am so glad to see myself in the list and that’s really an honor for me.

    I appreciate your hard work to compile this post and for doing this I am damn sure you must have to work massively to collect information about all these wonderful bloggers.

    The most relevant information about a blog is obviously his blog address and social media details which you have very beautifully presented and for this a big thumbs up to you.

    I hope you would be sharing more posts on different topics like this in terms of quality.

    Have a successful blogging journey.

    • Thanks for every word. Your each word itself enough to encourage me to write this kind of post.

      It seriously took a long time to collect information but I got the compensation in the form of your comment.

      I will try to share these kinds of posts. …

  6. Hey Nikhil!!

    Great post and list on awesome bloggers around the cyberspace!

    Hey I just noticed something, you do no have Social Sharing Buttons here!!

    I highly recommend you to get some social sharing buttons here!! … I was looking to share this on my social networks, but I have not seen any options to share it.

    That is a very important feature that you must have on your blog!

    Anyways, thanks again for sharing this and for including me amongst these rockstars!!

    Keep up the great work!

    Have a fantastic week! 😀

    • Hi Freddy.
      Let me know you…I have attached a social sharing toolbar with each post. Now you can share this post.
      I am a regular reader of your blog. I found it worth to add in this list. You really write awesome blog posts.

      Thanks for your comment. Kepp trying —–never stop..

  7. Hi, Nikhil,

    Wow, what a comprehensive list – I so very much appreciate you adding me and including me with these wonderful entrepreneurs! Very kind of you.

    I do agree that we should have a social media presence, but make our own site our Hub, and the main place from which we share awesome content. Spending time on social media for me is less than 2 hours per week, but it’s a focused and concentrated time of networking.

    Thanks for sharing. ???? Have a good evening.

    Ciao Ciao,
    Carol Amato

    • Hi Carol, I am pleased to have your comment. you are right here. We all should spend more time in creating awesome content that people will share naturally. I am working hard on my blog. I hope i will get your guidance to reap it with good traffic and content.

      Thanks for your comment..

      Have a good day…

    • Hi Sumesh, Thanks for your feedback. I was looking for one stop for joining most of the professional blogger. By getting inspiration from it, I have compiled this list. You liked it , it is one big gift for me.

      Have a nice day……

  8. Hi Niks,

    What an awesome blog post you have given us here, 37 of the best bloggers on social media. It’s so nice to have each and everyone of them in one place. Great roundup!

    This post will help so many of us bloggers who are learning new things about social media everyday.

    Thank you for putting it all together for us.

    You have a wonderful day and weekend ahead!


    • Hi Linda, It is really good to see your comment here. you are such a loyal reader of this blog. I wish the same love and respect for the upcoming blog post.

      Thanks for comment.

  9. Hi,

    Nice collection. It was only possible by your great effort. Helpful to all blogger to improve traffic to add these people with his Facebook page. I have read so many article of one to three blogger as given above and find out new things to improve my blog content.
    Continue your blogging with this type of stuff to us.

    • Hi Rajesh,
      Thanks for being here. This list is really helpful for bloggers. If somebody has joined then yet, he or she can join through this post as I gathered all the influential bloggers at one place. I am glad you found this post valuable and took time to read it.

      Looking forward to listen more from your side.

      Thank you.

    • Hi prince,
      yes surely add them now because others are also influential in their respective areas. you would get a several valuable learnings from them.

      Thanks for comment.

  10. Hi Niks,

    It’s an amazing list, indeed! 🙂

    I’m glad you share this professional bloggers list and how to get in touch with them. It will provide its own motivation on the other bloggers.

    I admit they are all awesome bloggers who inspired many other bloggers, including me. Thanks again for sharing this with us! 😉

    Have a great beginning of this week!
    By the way, I found your blog from Kingged. I posted this comment on it and up-voted it.


    • Hi Nanda,
      First of all, I want to say thanks to your for upvoting this article on Kingged. It is such nice site to increase co-operation and engagement among several bloggers.

      There is no any doubt on the perfection and knowledge of these bloggers. I am inspired by all these bloggers and trying to achieve something in this blogosphere. I hope you will give me your support as you did by placing your comment here.

      Thanks for this beautiful comment over her. Hope to listen more from your side…..

  11. Hey Nikhil,
    Its a resourceful list and I agree these are professional bloggers. Joining these bloggers on social networks is a wise choice for beginner bloggers who should promote their engagements and networking.

    More so,the idea of joining or following them socially will help to leverage on their experience, skills, and audience
    Thanks for sharing this piece!
    I left the above comment in where this post was shared.

    • Hi sunday,
      This list of professional bloggers certainly helps beginners in uplifting in this blogging era. If the newbies get connect with them, they will surely get benefits in the form of secrets tips that these bloggers follow every day.

      Be connected over her……


  12. Hi Nikhil,

    Really appreciate the effort out in to create this Blog post Nikhil.

    You do have a beautifully formatted Blog post page. love the layout.

    I’ve interacted with several of the Bloggers featured here and found everyone to be really kind and helpful.

    I absolutely agree with you when you say that there is a huge value add to you as a Blogger when you hook up with these Bloggers on their social media streams. Great idea and it works.

    Thanks for sharing this epic and very useful Blog post Nikhil. Enjoyed the read.

    I came to this site from a link on

    • Hi Ivan sir,
      Happy to see you here. Thanks for the praises for the layout of this post. I saw that you already know most of bloggers listed over here.

      This list helped me a lot to make a community with them. I am glad I became able to compile such a great list of great bloggers.

      You enjoyed the post, It was the greatest achievement for me. You see more such kind of post here in the near future.

      good night.

  13. Influencers are crowd pullers. Many of us want to connect with the interesting people, but don’t know where to start. This article shared with us a list of professional bloggers on social media. Thanks to Niks, newbies and bloggers don’t have to search for them.

    Following relevant & influential people in your industry is in no doubt helpful to increase the number of audience.

    Neil Patel is one of my favorites in your list. I believe it took you lots of time to compile this useful article. Great job!

    • Thanks for being here metz. Our main motive was to compiling a list of social media profiles on influential bloggers so that newbies and others bloggers do not have to face troubles to search them on social media.

      Looking forward to listen more from your side…

  14. Hi Niks,

    What a wonderful blog post you wrote here in the top 36 professional bloggers list connecting through social media who we all want to hang out with. It must have taken you a long time to compile such a list.

    I believe that we all need to be in the same environment with the major league players, hoping some of it will rub off on us to give us a boost and help us on our way. We get to meet the most incredible people on the blog posts of professional bloggers and that is what it is all about, people meeting people. We get to know like and trust each other.

    Thank you for sharing, Niks and you have an awesome rest of the week!


  15. Hey Nikhil,
    Thanks for sharing list of wonderful bloggers.
    By the way, I found your blog URL From Harleena Ma,am facebook profile.
    Thanks Again for this list and Have a great week ahead.

  16. Hi Niks! Can’t believe I missed this.

    Thank you for sharing this fantastic list. Fortunately I’ve already been connected with a lot of these bloggers, but there were a few I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. I’m always looking to expand my network so I really look forward to getting to know some of the new people on this list.

    Thanks Niks!

  17. Hi Nikhil,

    You’ve done a wonderful job in consolidating the professional bloggers who stay active in social media.

    I’m in connection with most of them, I’ll network to the missed one.

    Thanks for including my social profiles here, I’m honored.

    Keep your good work forever!

  18. Hi Niks,

    This is my first time on your blog and you came up with a great lis to bloggers to follow. To my surprise, I follow about 50% of them and they do provide a lot of value as well as reciprocate it back to you. As for the rest of them, I’m going to go ahead and subscribe to your blogs. Since they’re included in the list of people I already know, then it’s a given that they are definitely genuine people that adds a lot of value!

    Thanks for sharing Niks! I hope you have a great day!

  19. Hi Niks,
    I appreciate your hard work to compile this post, I am doing a similar
    type post and I know how much work it takes to do this.
    Wonderful blog post on the top Pro Bloggers. Great list.
    You give a lot of value with your posts I have noticed, this one is
    no exception. Have a great weekend.
    Visiting you from the PAC Rotator.

  20. Hi Nikhil!
    Honestly i do not know some of these professional bloggers you listed in this post! I know most, Brian, Neil, Pat, Harsh Agarwal, Enstine Muki, Harleena, Mi-Muba, Kulwant and you! But you have introduced me some new professional bloggers. They all are inspiration for us. I love blogging and love bloggers. Bloggers are always helpful!

    However, thanks again for sharing this awesome post with us.

    Keep it up!
    Happy blogging!

  21. Hey, your article is very much informative and impressive. I was not aware of many things mentioned above by you! I never came across such amazing article so far. Your article managed to glue me till end.
    Thanks a lot for sharing such amazing article!

  22. Hey Nikhil,

    It was such a notable article you have written! I knew a few of them already, but I must say it’ll be a great pleasure connecting with rest of them in the list. Thanks for sharing this.

    I hope you’re having a remarkable blogging journey. Happy blogging! Cheers.

    ~ Rahul

  23. Hello Nikhil,

    I luv to read your Blogs and thanks for share all professional Bloggers. i click all and trying to connect them all. i found carl amato links are broken. Anyway this blog will help me a lot in future.


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