is my personal blog where I blogs about topics related to make money online, blogging tips, seo tips, social media networks, popular affiliate programs, CMS like WordPress, web hosting etc. I cannot give any kind of assurance about the accuracy, completeness and quality of the content I’m providing. If you are using any of the content provided here, are using that at your own risk. You cannot blame me for that.
All content on may not bring lots money for me. I may make money online from my blog doing product sales, website referrals, advertisements or reviews etc. Each and every post published on gives my personal opinion about a particular product or service and the product or services that are making money online for me may or may not work for others.
Email addresses that are captured in various sections of blogs will always be used for privacy and will never be used for spamming. You can get emails around certain products or services from me if you had shown interest for the same.